Monday, June 27, 2016

✨Never settle for less than what you want.✨

When in doubt or unmotivated, connect with your inner self to see the real you: to see your true desires. There is no space and time for the completion of your goals; your work is never done. Stay on the path. 💕

Monday, March 14, 2016

How often should I do pull ups?

I, always, tell my FIT friends to keep working their pull ups on a daily basis. Little by little, your muscles will activate -knowing exactly what their function is- and you will be able to perform to its full range of motion.

Empoderando con Advocare

AdvoCare me permite seguir ayudando a muchas personas a tomar control de sus vidas a través de sus cuerpos.
Es el componente nutricional de mi Fórmula RAP® que llena el vacío que los alimentos, que terminamos ingiriendo, no proveen.

Permíteme orientarte y hacerte tu recomendación inicial.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Simple way to start increasing your protein intake.

Add one egg white to a full egg. Keep adding more until you can consume from 4-8 egg whites by themselves.

Here, 3 egg whites and a yolk.

Stirred with cayenne pepper.

Sprayed Spam to skillet.
